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New Jersey Home Inspectors Should Look for Powder Post Beetle Damage

New Jersey home inspectors should be on the lookout for powder post beetles while performing the wood destroying insect piece of the home inspection. Termites and carpenter ants get most of the attention however we can’t forget the powder post beetle which can cause havoc to a wood stricture over time. when discovered it is often too late with a lot of structural damage to the home already taking place.

Powder post beetles are small reddish-brown insects that have a distinctive life cycle- egg, larva, pupa and adult. Adult female beetles lay their eggs in small cracks on wood surfaces. The eggs are tiny and not usually seen by the human eye.

Once the eggs hatch the larva burrow into the wood creating tunnels.  It is at this stage where the beetles do the most damage. The larva traverse inside the wood members creating tunnels as they feed on the wood. As a result of the feeding a powdery frass is made which is how the beetles get their name. Significant structural damage can be created over time. This larva stage can last from several months to several years depending on wood type and other conditions. If this larva stage lasts years this is where the real damage is done to the wood structure.

After completing their larva stage, they pupate and turn into adult beetles. Once they turn into adult beetles, they emerge from the wood through round exit holes which are the tell tail sign of a problem. The adult beetles then seek mates, and the life cycle continues causing more and more structural damage to the home.

The galleries or tunnels that the beetle larva create weakens wood sometimes to the point of failure. Most of the damage is caused in the interior of the wood members out of view. An infestation could go on for many years without detection. Often when detected it is too late because severe structural damage has already occurred.

Often frass is seen in the area of powder post beetle activity. The frass is powder like and appears much finer than the frass created by carpenter ants. The frass can often be seen piling up under the exit holes.

Exit holes which are small round holes similar to pin holes can be found on the surface of the wood that is infested. These exit holes are a tell tail evidence of powder post beetle damage. Effected wood members may also exhibit surface damage. Often the wood that is damaged sounds hollow when probed and can be easily damaged by probing.

As New Jersey home inspectors we should educate our clients on the importance of early detection of powder post beetles. We should urge our home inspection clients to get regular wood destroying insect inspections after they move into the home to help prevent larger problems down the road.

NJ Home inspectors should perform a thorough wood destroying inset inspection if they are properly licensed to do so. Red flags that home inspectors should be looking for are the pin head sized powder post beetle exit holes. The next thing we should be looking for is the powdery frass usually found under the exit holes. As home inspectors we are required to probe a representative sample of the wood structure in the home that we are inspecting. As we probe, we should be carefully listening to hollow sounding wood. Hollow sounding wood can mean that the interior of the wood member has been compromised. A closer investigation of hollow sounding wood is warranted.

Once identified powder post beetles should be immediately treated to avoid further damage to the wood structure. In most instances powder post beetles are treated by applying insecticide to the affected areas. There are several different choices of insecticides to use depending on the type of wood and how extensive the infestation is. The typically treatment will consist of using a borate insecticide. Borate is a mineral salt that is very effective in this application.

The typical mode of powder post beetle entry into the home is though lumber or firewood. Infested wood of some kind is bought into the home and the life cycle starts over as soon as the adults emerge from the wood. The best way to keep powder post beetles out is the make sure that each piece of wood that enters the home have been sanded, varnished or painted. Also, you must keep moisture in wood low, well under 20%.  If you like to burn firewood you are especially vulnerable. Make sure your wood is very dry before it enters the home.

Powder post beetles require moisture to live and to reproduce. Make sure to keep your humidity levels in your home especially in the basement and crawls space no higher than 45%.

Powder post beetles are tiny in size, but they can cause significant structural damage in a home over time if not found and treated. Timely detection is paramount in keeping damage to a minimum. NJ Home inspectors should keep a watchful eye as they perform the home inspection for evidence of powder post beetles. It’s just not termites and carpenter ants that can cause damage. Powder post beetles are often relegated to the third spot of importance however they can create as much damage as a termite infestation if left untreated for years.


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