As a mentor home inspector, I often get asked what I enjoy most about being a New Jersey home inspector and what I enjoy least…
When you finally get to the point of having a home inspection in this very challenging real estate environment you are probably very stressed and…
New Jersey home inspectors should be looking for improperly installed or missing chimney flashing details. The chimney flashing is the set of sheet metal details that…
Home inspectors in New Jersey often inspect properties with wood retaining walls. As home inspectors we often find problems with these wood tie walls such…
New Jersey home inspectors should be on the lookout for powder post beetles while performing the wood destroying insect piece of the home inspection. Termites…
NJ Home inspectors often discover mold growth in attic of the homes they are inspecting. Attics are an important portion of the home often being…
NJ home inspectors should inspect for and identify moisture or water entry into a home’s electrical panel box. The home inspection standards of practice in…
As a home inspector in NJ we are always learning. One of the things I learned about recently was that the insurance claims history for a home…
Home inspectors in New Jersey are required to evaluate and inspect insulation in the attic. We are not required to describe the insulation or determine…