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Slab on Grade

Slab on grade construction poses many challenges for the New Jersey home inspector. Slab construction is a poured floor that is on the grade level. There is no basement or space under the slab. The slab is roughly six inches thick resting on a gravel bed. There are three types of slab construction monolithic is a slab and foundation all in one. A supported slab is independent of the foundation because it is not poured with the foundation. A floating slab is completely independent of the foundation. While performing home inspection in New Jersey I come across many slab on grade homes. The challenge is that the interior of the home is completely finished so I can only view what is visible. With a basement or crawl space construction I can inspect the lower structure with slab on grade that is impossible. Our NJ home inspection will be of the visible and accessible components and systems only. Sometimes termite damage can go undetected because the damage is hidden by finishes. If there are plumbing pipes under the slab leaks can often go undetected. If a radiant heating system exists it will be  chllenging to repair. Slab on grade construction presents some unique challenges please choose a highly qualified and knowledgeable home inspector to inspect your slab on grade home.

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